正经+八百=12点+1点,优点就是缺点,不跟缺点说bye bye,让缺点变style。 ············( 蚂蚁啊 !)


Toh Chee Leong说他有参加东马大会,可是,我在会场上,遍寻不获,倒是见到了XX发。





8 条评论:

Toh Chee Leong's Collections 说...

Bro. Ah Chin, if you did not saw my face better lodged a police report because missing at Sibu.

Very sorry and wish to inform that due to unforseen circumstances thing occur recently at my home and since my wife work as a staff nurse so majority staff on leave during that time so chinese staff need to relief duty. Bini kerja 2 shif. Pagi sama malam. Pagi 7 a.m to petang 2 p.m and kerja malam 9 malam to 7 pagi.

Ada i panggil bapa mentua tolong datang jaga rumah tapi dia refuse to jaga. I dah apply cuti dengan Tuhan from 3 to 5 Jun, 2009 kebetulan during Methodist Conference. Hopefully Tuhan know i need. Itu jam kebetulan bini kerja.

I really niss the function. But i promised and wished to pray for the 3 day function.

I hope you would apologize my request.Thanks for your concern, bro. Ah Chin.


100c系列 说...

Saya bagi pihak menyatakan dukacita kerana handsome man Encik Toh tidak dapat join us.

天鵝江畔 说...

Hi, Ah Toh I m waiting your Mukah Bao, you told me you want to bring some bao, but mana Bao?

Toh Chee Leong's Collections 说...

Dear Bro. Ah Chin,

Thanks for your concern and care.I really miss you all guy.

Dear Mr. Wong,

I will make a suprise to you. Please alert me about the quantity?
I will try my best. Sorry for not be able to join the Methodist Conference due to my resident break in by the intruder.

100c系列 说...


Toh Chee Leong's Collections 说...

Base on Mukah bao standard my concern is the demand is higher that the ordinary supply so takut bao jadi rosak or tidak macam bao. If 15 biji then tolak 01 biji sure can supply. No problem. hahaha.

杨善 说...


100c系列 说...
